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Pink Roses Counseling Services

This is where readers can find relevant information on techniques, and ways to find coping skills and balance in life.

Knowing what is best for you
Mental health checklist things you can do do help
Benefits of self-love
What the difference between good stress and bad stress

Cognitive Therapy.

Cognitive Therapy (CT) is a type of psychotherapy that is based on the idea that how you think and act affects how you feel.  CT is a practical therapy that focuses on goals and is specific to an individual.

Gestalt Therapy

The purpose of  the Gestalt Therapy is to enhance self-awareness, personal responsibility, personal growth, and freedom. Gestalt Therapy is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on your present challenges and needs

Good stress and bad stress

Good Stress, also known as Eustress, is short-term and can be healthy and motivating. It promotes alertness, cognitive function, and can enhance performance. This type of stress can help activate our body and brain, giving us the energy to complete the task at hand. Once the task is complete or the problem is solved, the stress goes away, and our nervous system returns to a calm state. Examples of good stress can include challenging work projects, learning a new skill, or even life events like getting married or starting a new job

On the other hand, Bad Stress, or Distress, is the kind that wears you out, leaves you jittery, and can be harmful to your health. This type of stress can lead to anxiety, confusion, poor concentration, and decreased performance. It becomes problematic when it never or rarely subsides, leading to physical symptoms such as tension headaches and chronic pain. Chronic, negative stress can impact your health and relationships.

It’s important to note that the perception of stress can vary from person to person. What might be a trigger for good stress for one person could be a trigger for bad stress for another. The deciding line between good and bad stress is often the duration or length of time you feel stressed. If you feel a little bit of stress every now and then, but easily return to a calm state after not too long, you’re likely experiencing good stress. But if you find yourself stressed most or all of the time, you are likely experiencing chronic, negative stress.